Boulder County, Colorado & New York City

In this training, Chua K’a — deep bodywork done on oneself — enables the body to evolve to its highest degree of sensitivity and awareness. The impact of life experience creates networks of muscular tension (pain/trauma) that are remembered fears. Working the tissues with precise hand and finger positions and a stick called a k’a, we learn to transmit vital energy and the heat of the Kath™ (core point) to the bone, removing the trauma. When we release physical trauma, we release psychic tension as well, since the body and mind are an integral unity.
Training Length: Two-day Intensive
Signup list: Join the sign-up list via the contact form
Prerequisite: None
Chua K’a Bodywork® Training:
Boulder County, CO
Saturday and Sunday, April 7 & 8, 2024:
8:45 AM to 6:30 PM both days
Tuition: $275, non-members; $225 Members; $170 member, repeat
Chua K’a Bodywork®Training:
Manhattan, NY
Saturday and Sunday, May 11 & 12, 2024
8:45 AM to 6:30 PM; both days
Tuition: $300, non-members; $250, members; $175, member, repeat: $210, non-members repeat
Please use the contact form to give us your name, phone, and email address, say what your are interested in, and someone here at Human Performance Associates will contact you.
© 2024 Human Performance Associates. All Rights Reserved.
The contents of the above trainings are copyrights of Oscar Ichazo.
Arica Introductory Program, Arica Mentations Training, and Kath State: The Energy of Inner Fier Training are trademarks of Ichazo, LLC
Arica, Chua K’a Bodywork, P-Cals, and Psychocalisthenics are registered trademarks of Ichazo, LLC.